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After your smile, your clothes are the first thing people notice about you. To make an outstanding impression your clothes need to fit properly and be clean and wrinkle free. Hemming your sleeves to the proper length can make a huge difference in your look. Finding clothes you like, fit well and are comfortable in can take time which is why you want to increase the lifespan of clothes. Let’s go over how to properly care for your clothes so they will look great and last for years.

Tip 1 to Increase the Lifespan of Clothes:

First and foremost, read the care and content label on your clothes. These are usually found in the bottom left hip of most tops and the middle of the waist band in most bottoms. It is required by law to have this information in each garment so people know how to properly care for their clothes based on the type of fabric. Following these directions will increase the lifespan of your clothes.

Tip 2 to Increase the Lifespan of Clothes:

There is no need to dry clean your perfectly fitting suits and blazers every week.  It can actually shorten the life of your suit by wearing out the natural fibers due to the dry cleaning chemical process. What you can do is get a damp cloth to dab the area you want to clean. Wearing a shirt with sleeves under suit jackets and blazers helps keep sweat and body order from transferring to the jackets. Then at the end of the day, you only need to wash the shirt and air out your jacket. This will save you time and increase the lifespan of your clothes.

Tip 3 to Increase the Lifespan of Clothes: 

An easy way to freshen up and increase the lifespan of clothes is to give them some fresh air. Keep your suits and blazers smelling fresh by hanging them by an open window. The fresh air will get rid of any orders and the sun will naturally disinfect the fabric giving your clothes a bright clean look without the damage of cleaning. Limite the time you leave your clothes by the window so the sun does not affect the color of the fabric, 10 or 15 minutes is more than enough time for a fresh clean look.

Tip 4 to Increase the Lifespan of Clothes:

A dress shirt needs to be unbuttoned completely before being washed and turn the shirt inside out as well.  This will keep the buttons from falling off and putting unneeded stress on the fabric. Another tip to increase the lifespan of clothes and save you time is: do not dry the shirt completely. Air dry it when it is slightly damp by putting it on a hanger. This way it will dry with minimal wrinkles. If you do iron your dress shirt, add a little steam. 

Tip 5 to Increase the Lifespan of Clothes:

 Jeans and denim are easy to care for. Denim can last for years and years if treated properly.  In fact, jeans need the lowest maintenance care. Real Simple Magazine recommends washing them after four to five wears.  Be sure to turn the jeans inside out when washing to protect its color, especially dark colored jeans. It is best to air dry jeans, this will keep their shape and increase their lifespan.

These are some general guidelines for you to increase the lifespan of clothes. Remember to check the care and content label that has the best information based on the fabric make up of your clothes. Investing in properly fitting, good quality clothes while following these simple steps is the best way to to increase the lifespan of your clothes.

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