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4 Powerfully Sustainable Fashion Hacks


The easiest, most practical sustainable fashion hack is simply to dress with what we have. That is, to wear, mend, and care for the wardrobe that we own already. Easier said than done in this ever-evolving society. It is often difficult to drown out advertisements and trends of the fast fashion industry. There is no reason to choose between sustainability of the planet and self-sustainability. Both are essential. We can’t take care of our planet if we don’t look and feel our best first!


The good news is that there are plenty of ways to sustainably maintain a fashionable wardrobe. Here are four creative hacks that make a powerful statement for eco-friendliness and for your closet!


Sustainable Fashion Hack 1: update what you have


Now is the time for spring cleaning those closets. It is the perfect opportunity to try on your favorite clothes for the upcoming months. Think warmer weather and sunshine! Simple and often inexpensive alterations can ensure your clothes fit and flatter properly. But alterations don’t have to stop at simple hems and tapers. Fun details are a great way to spruce up any item of clothing. Add elements like buttons, snaps, or ribbons for a whole new fashion-forward look.


In a time crunch? Try simply wearing your clothing differently! Test out crossing and tucking the front of a cardigan for a “wrap sweater” effect. Knotting a button down, layered over a tank, is a quick transition from professional to laid-back. Perhaps even incorporate different patterns that you wouldn’t normally wear together like pinstripes and argyle.


Sustainable Fashion Hack 2: wash your clothes less


Stick with me here. Not only is this a great sustainable fashion hack, it is also a time saver! ;) In all seriousness, most of us believe worn clothes are automatically due to the wash. Realistically fresh-smelling and unstained clothing may be considered “rewearable” before their next washing. In fact, washing some items less will increase their longevity. Jeans remain unfaded and sweaters maintain their form- saving both water and your wardrobe! All by skipping laundry day every once in a while.


Make a spot for your “rewearables.” Use a basket or rack to organize clothing that can be worn again before it needs washing. When washings do arise, a warm-weather and sustainable bonus hack: skip the dryer! Hang your clothes outside for a breezy element to your outfits.


Sustainable Fashion Hack 3: accessorize


Shoes, hats, purses, watches, socks, the list goes on. It’s often easy to throw on a basic, minimal outfit. These are great base layers, but can sometimes cause “I don’t have anything to wear” syndrome. But don’t forget about that heavy hook of belts or that full jewelry box! Incorporating existing accessories in new ways can transform your look. 


Mixing elegant accessories with more casual outfits is an effortless way to make your clothes standout. Tying a scarf to the handle of your purse is a subtle yet luxurious detail. Whereas, using a vintage pin to secure your cardigan radiates classiness. Perhaps combine brightly colored sneakers with fun, patterned socks for a more eclectic look.


Sustainable Fashion Hack 4: throw a swap party


Plan a swap party for you and your friends, your cousins, siblings, anyone you want to invite! Swap parties are not only great motivators to clean out your closet, but also a fun way to update your wardrobe. By involving others, you may discover a new trend or shape that suits you. Or perhaps a color palette that you wouldn’t have tried on your own!


Tell everyone to bring their “donatable” clothes and accessories the night of the party. Hang up the clothes on racks or in an empty closet and lay out the accessories. Serve drinks and snacks if you want. You and your guest can now browse through the clothes, picking pieces that will revive your wardrobes. Yolanda Wikiel’s Real Simple article is great for more specific swap party guidelines. Happy “shopping!”


There you have it- some easy and sustainable fashion hacks that anyone can start today!
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