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What is Fashion Revolution Week

Fashion Revolution Week is an annual event that takes place in late April, with the aim of raising awareness about the fashion industry's impact on the environment and promoting more ethical and sustainable practices. The event was founded in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh in 2013, which claimed the lives of 1,138 garment workers and injured thousands more. Since then, Fashion Revolution Week has grown into a global movement that brings together individuals, organizations, and businesses to advocate for change in the fashion industry.

The History of Fashion Revolution Week

The Rana Plaza disaster, which exposed the harsh realities of the fast fashion industry and the lack of accountability and transparency in the supply chains of many clothing brands, served as the inspiration for Fashion Revolution Week. The collapse of the building, which was home to several clothing factories that made clothes for global fashion brands, woke people up to the human and environmental costs of cheap, disposable clothing.

As a response to the tragedy, a group of activists and people who work in the fashion industry started Fashion Revolution, a global non-profit that works to make the fashion industry more sustainable and fair. The first Fashion Revolution Day was held on April 24, 2014, to coincide with the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster. The event encouraged people around the world to ask the question, "Who Made My Clothes?", and to demand more transparency and accountability from clothing brands.

Since then, Fashion Revolution Day has evolved into Fashion Revolution Week, a week-long event that includes various activities and campaigns to raise awareness about ethical and sustainable fashion. The event is now held in more than 100 countries, and millions of people take part in activities like fashion shows, workshops, panel discussions, and social media campaigns.

The Purpose of Fashion Revolution Week

The main goal of Fashion Revolution Week is to make the fashion industry more open, accountable, and environmentally friendly. The event aims to encourage consumers to think more critically about their fashion choices and to demand more information about where their clothes come from, who made them, and under what conditions. It also seeks to raise awareness about the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry and promote more ethical and sustainable alternatives.

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, with a significant impact on climate change, water pollution, and waste generation. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned every second. The industry is also known for its bad working conditions and low wages, especially in developing countries where most of the world's clothing is made.

By shining a light on these issues and promoting more ethical and sustainable practices, Fashion Revolution Week aims to create a more just and equitable fashion industry that respects the environment and the people who make our clothes.

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Topics Covered in Fashion Revolution Week

Fashion Revolution Week covers a range of topics related to ethical and sustainable fashion, from supply chain transparency and the circular economy to workers' rights and animal welfare. Here are some of the key topics and activities that take place during the event:

Supply Chain Transparency

One of the main ideas behind Fashion Revolution Week is supply chain transparency. This means that people should be able to see where their clothes come from, from the raw materials to the finished products. This involves providing information about the factories, workers, and materials involved in the production process, as well as any environmental and social certifications or audits. 

Many clothing brands still don't want to share this information because they don't want to lose their competitive edge or their intellectual property. However, the lack of transparency makes it difficult for consumers to make informed decisions about their fashion choices and to hold brands accountable for any negative impacts they may have on people and the planet.

During Fashion Revolution Week, there are various campaigns and activities that focus on supply chain transparency, such as the "Who Made My Clothes?" campaign. This campaign encourages people to take a photo of themselves wearing their clothes inside out, with the tag visible, and post it on social media with the hashtag #whomademyclothes. This makes more people aware of how important it is for the fashion industry to be open and accountable, and it encourages brands to share more information about their supply chains.

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Circular Economy

The circular economy is another important thing that will be talked about during Fashion Revolution Week. It is an alternative to the traditional linear model of production and consumption.In a circular economy, resources are kept in use for as long as possible through practices such as reuse, repair, and recycling, rather than being discarded after a single use. 

There are a lot of events and campaigns during Fashion Revolution Week that promote circular economy practices. For example, there are repair workshops, clothing swaps, and upcycling challenges. These activities encourage consumers to think creatively about how they can extend the life of their clothes and reduce their waste footprint.

One way to actively contribute to a circular economy is tailoring. Tailoring is a very important way to contribute to a circular economy because when you tailor your clothes you end up wearing them for 2-3 lifecycles which means that you wore nice clothes and saved the environment from another 2 clothes in the landfills. If everyone were to tailor their clothes regularly then the production of clothes could significantly reduce which would be a big step towards changing the environment for the better. Some people may not have the time to go to the tailor so Tad More Tailoring offers a premium quality online tailoring service where you can save your clothes and the planet from your bed! Now that's sustainable.

Workers' Rights

Ensuring fair and safe working conditions for garment workers is another important topic that is covered during Fashion Revolution Week. Many workers in the fashion industry are paid low wages, work long hours in unsafe conditions, and may not have access to basic human rights such as freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Fashion Revolution Week seeks to raise awareness about these issues and promote more equitable and sustainable working conditions. This includes campaigns that highlight the stories and experiences of garment workers, as well as workshops and events that promote worker empowerment and advocacy.

Impact of Fashion Revolution Week

Since it began, Fashion Revolution Week has had a big effect on the fashion industry. The event has helped to raise awareness about the environmental and social impacts of the industry and to promote more sustainable and ethical practices. Here are just a few things it has achieved in such a short period of time:

  • Fashion Revolution Week got more brands to talk about their supply chains. In the years since the first Fashion Revolution Day, there has been a significant increase in the number of brands that publish information about their factories, workers, and materials.
  • Fashion Revolution Week also helped spread the word about other ways to do fashion, like the circular economy and sustainable fashion. Many people are now more aware of how the clothes they buy affect the world and are actively looking for more ethical and sustainable options.
  • Finally, Fashion Revolution Week has helped to create a global community of people who are passionate about creating a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry. The event brings together individuals, organizations, and businesses from around the world to collaborate and advocate for change. 


Fashion Revolution Week is a worldwide movement that wants to make the fashion industry more sustainable and fair for everyone. The event brings attention to the industry's effects on the environment and society and encourages more ethical and environmentally friendly practices. Through campaigns and activities that focus on topics such as supply chain transparency, the circular economy, workers' rights, and animal welfare, Fashion Revolution Week encourages consumers to think more critically about their fashion choices and to demand greater accountability from brands.

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